2022-02-12 7:13 AM
I try to perform high speed rotation on EVALKIT-ROBOT-1, my target rotation speed is 6000rpm without loading.
I downloaded the example firmware "STSW-ROBOT-1", change values of "DEFAULT_TARGET_SPEED_RPM" and "MAX_APPLICATION_SPEED_RPM" from 4550 to 6000.
In main(), MC_ProgramPositionCommandMotor1() is directly called with parameters which equivalent to 6000rpm (run 2000*360degress in 20sec),
then use MC_GetMecSpeedAverageMotor1() to track the motor speed, the maximum speed I got is around 3800rpm.
According to the document "https://www.st.com/resource/en/user_manual/um2653-getting-started-with-the-evalkitrobot1-stmicroelectronics.pdf",
Table 10 states that the system with no load can reach 4550rpm.
Figure 7 shows that continuous operation speed can even be higher then 6000rpm.
I am using the original set of EVALKIT-ROBOT-1 hardware, It cannot even touch the official speed 4550rpm.
Should I change other configurations to achieve the target speed?