2016-10-24 10:53 PM
hardware for running bldc motor at 800 rpm in sensorless foc mode at 110V..
I have followed the below steps...
1 Downloaded ST Motor control workbench 4.2
2 Downloaded IAR embedded workbench
3 Project created in Motor control workbench as per Table 1 provided in UM1697 user manual for STEVAL-IHM038V1 document
4 The generated header files are copies to System Parameter folder
5 Project is created by referring section 9.1 in UM1052 document
6 STM32F10X Example workspace with simple time base is selected
7 The project configuration STM32100B EVAL is utilised
8 Project is compiling successfully
I have loaded generated hex file on the hardware and trying to run the motor but it is not running
The PWM pins are stuck up at 3.2V
Pl. suggest/ provide some solution to resolve above issue
Regards kaushik
2021-06-27 8:50 PM
The question has been moved from the "Motor Control Hardware" section to the "STM32 Motor Control" section (the question is about the STM32 MC SDK).
Best regards