2022-05-19 1:25 AM
I have STEVAL-SPIN3204 board and a BLDC motor with hall sensor.
So, I try to generate a firmware with 6-step control and hall sensors.
ST Motor Control workbench (v5.y.4) generate the firmware.
But, the source code folder have not MCLib6Step folder that is the control library for 6step control.
Also, mc_tasks.c.h in src/inc folders do not use the 6-step control library inside MCLib6Step folder, but do the FOC control library inside MCLib folder.
How can I generate the firmware with 6 step control library.
2022-05-21 12:16 AM
Nobody is there???
Plz help!!!
2022-05-22 11:35 PM
For current version . MCSDK support only FOC. 6 step can only be generated by example project.
2022-05-23 4:45 AM
Mr. Kelvin ****,
I did not know that.
Many thanks for good answer.
let me think for a while,
I need to decide whether the firmware is modified from an example or not.
Thanks a lot.