2023-01-05 1:09 AM
these days you released STM32 Motor Control Software Development Kit (MCSDK) 6.1 which offers the possibility to create custom boards. The sample boards are very complex and the code is very long. I'm looking for documentation how to write a custom board and how to write the code. Is there maybe a solution to generate the board code?
2023-01-06 7:31 AM
Same request here, existing Nucleo profile are 600+ lines JSON files.
No documentation found about JSON keys and possible values to create our custom boards/motor.
With a 600+ JSON line code to generate, a GUI generator would be appreciable, but documentation is a good first step.
2023-10-31 7:27 AM
Hello, some updates on the matter (including a documentation link) at the bottom of this post : https://community.st.com/t5/stm32-mcus-motor-control/motor-control-workbench-6-1-0-custom-board-creation/m-p/71511