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Issues/Application of [Observer + PLL (Sensorless)] + Hall Sensor for controlling SVPWM.

Associate III
Hello Everybody,
CubeMX: 6.3.0
Workbench : 6.3.0
Cube IDE : 1.15.0
Power Board : IHM08M1(Rshunt=0.01Ω)
Control Board : NUCLEO-G431RB
Motor : BLDC 26w 24v/8 pole pairs / rpm=4k / rated current=1.8A/hall sensor
Part of the settings from Workbench :
  a) Speed Sensing Selection : Observer +PLL(Sensorless)
  b) Speed Sensing Config / Auxiliary Sensor - Speed Sensor Mode : Hall Sensor

I have some questions about setting the Speed Sensor Mode to Observer + PLL (Sensorless) and using the Hall Sensor as an auxiliary to control SVPWM :

1) My understanding is that at low speeds, the Hall Sensor is used to calculate and read θ_e and control the duty cycle. When the motor reaches medium to high speeds, Observer + PLL (Sensorless) takes over to calculate and read θ_e and control the duty cycle. Is this application or concept correct?

2) When operating at low speeds, how should the relevant API be called in the program? And when the motor reaches medium to high speeds, how should it switch to the corresponding API for Observer + PLL (Sensorless)?

3) When using the Hall Sensor to control SVPWM at low speeds, does the Dead-Time remain the same as the value set in MCSDK (e.g., 850ns)? Or is this something that the user needs to manually adjust?