2021-10-22 02:49 AM
I use MCSDK v5.4.7 and STM32CubeIDE 1.6.1. Project generation with MCSDK is successful but when I try to build code with the IDE it ends with fatal error "sto_cordic_speed_pos_fdbk.h: No such file or directory". Run code generation with an other example project works well. So I asume that my tool chain is okay.
2021-10-22 08:01 AM
Hello @JMust.1 and welcome to the Community :)
I think you don't have the Include Paths set up coherently.
You have to review the defines and the include file paths for your project: Go to Project options ->C/C++ tab->Include paths and add new paths to your include directories.
Feel free to share your update and solution, It should be helpful for the Community
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