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I will create code for discovery kit 'B-G431-ESC' as described in UM2516 chapter 6.1 step 2 and 3 but I get error when compiling with STM32CubeIDE . Is there a more detailed description for generation or an example for this evakit?


I use MCSDK v5.4.7 and STM32CubeIDE 1.6.1. Project generation with MCSDK is successful but when I try to build code with the IDE it ends with fatal error "sto_cordic_speed_pos_fdbk.h: No such file or directory". Run code generation with an other example project works well. So I asume that my tool chain is okay.

ST Employee

Hello @JMust.1​ and welcome to the Community :)

I think you don't have the Include Paths set up coherently.

You have to review the defines and the include file paths for your project: Go to Project options ->C/C++ tab->Include paths and add new paths to your include directories.

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I have been trying to run PMSM motors with B-G431B-ESC1, I follow the steps given in the user manual,

1. I profile the motor and save the parameters

2. use the motor control workbench to generate a project, and generate source code,

3. run it in Cube IDE to flash it on the development board.

However, I am unable to run my motor with that source code. The motor doesn't even start. I also face inconsistency when running the motor with the same source code on different occasions. What could be the issue, and what should I do to resolve this issue?

since the profiler is working, where can I get a profiler code based on which the profiling .hex file is created to debug the issue?

Thank you,
