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I used the nucleo-h401re (rev C01) with x-nucleo-ihm08m1,and I use Motor Profiler 5.Y.2 to measure my motor。it doesn't work

Associate II

0693W00000aJNwUQAW.pngIt tells serial doesn't work well,and I test it throght my serial application,it works!So who can tell me what's the matter?I found my nucleo-f401(rev C01) don't have external crystal oscillator,and the rev-C04 and rev-C04 all have a external crystal oscillator,So I want to know This software(MCSDK Motor Profiler 5.Y.2) download the binary used external crystal oscillato?

Zied b.
ST Employee

Hello @zHua.1​ ,

0693W00000aJVIXQA4.pngI didn't have any problem to connect with this configuration, with a c004, can you try with the MCSDK 6.1.1 profiler and tell me if it works, otherwise tell me the error message.

The profiler is included in the Motor Pilot.

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Associate II

0693W00000aJXrKQAW.pngThanks for your help,I choose this board and click the connect button,but the page change to this page which to choose control board and power board(picture 2). I try it mang times,but it doe't works!

My control board is nucleo-f401re(C01)and the MCSDK(6.1.1 and 6.1.0)


Zied b.
ST Employee

hello @zHua.1​ ,

Can you get the file "NUCLEO-F401RE#X-NUCLEO-IHM08M1 3Sh#(6.1.1)" which is in the directory : \MC_SDK_6.1.1\Utilities\PC_Software\STMotorPilot\STM32CubeProgrammer\Fw and flash it manually with Stm32CubeProgrammer and disconnect Stm32CubeProgrammer.

then try to connect manually with the profiler.

Can you also send me a screenshot of your CubeProgrammer after login please?

If you agree with my answer, please accept it by clicking on "Accept as solution".
Associate II

0693W00000aJcwoQAC.pngNot work�?​I connect,and it shows look like this:


Associate II

0693W00000aJcxXQAS.pngi flash it manually,then disconnect

0693W00000aJcxcQAC.pngand click the CONNECT

0693W00000aJcxrQAC.pngbut it show me this page

0693W00000aJcxwQAC.pngthen I choose f401 and ihm08,

0693W00000aJcy6QAC.pngand i click CONNECT,it jump to this page.

0693W00000aJcyGQAS.pngit look like a bug in your software.

but if i ues b-g431-esc1,it connect well!


Zied b.
ST Employee

I think I understand where the problem comes from, on your Stm32CubeProgrammer you dont have a board name like me, and the motor profiler check this name with its database.

To start I suggest you upgrade your St-Link by clicking on the Firmware Upgrade button in Stm32CubeProgrammer and then check if the board name appears.


If you agree with my answer, please accept it by clicking on "Accept as solution".
Associate II

0693W00000aJgfIQAS.pngI upgrade my St-Link,then clicked connect,but this is no board name.

I try to click on the Firmware Upgrade button second time,

0693W00000aJgfNQAS.pngthe Version is Unknown.

0693W00000aJgfSQAS.pngI try to this,

0693W00000aJgfTQAS.pngit show me Upgrade successful

0693W00000aJgfhQAC.pngbut the error it shows


Zied b.
ST Employee

Hello @zHua.1​ 

I may have a solution for you, to start, you have to go to the location where your Motor Pilot is installed : MC_SDK_6.1.1\Utilities\PC_SoftwareSTMotorPilot\GUI

open the file "profiler.qml" and go to the line 712.

Replace this line by this line : var checkBoardNameResult="test".

Try again to connect.

Can you keep me informed if it works, we are working on a patch to solve this problem in case the board name does not appear by ST-Link

Thank you

If you agree with my answer, please accept it by clicking on "Accept as solution".
Associate II

0693W00000aPLq8QAG.pngThere seems to be something wrong