2024-02-09 4:35 AM
I am following the instructions given in this page: https://wiki.st.com/stm32mcu/wiki/STM32MotorControl:SDK_AC_induction_motor
I have some question regarding that.
1. Are these the right examples that are shown in the figure?
2. From where can I download the ACIMGUI? I can not find it in generated project as it is written in the document. There is no file with ".acimx".
3. I can not able to open the this project in 'STM32 IDE'.
2024-04-19 9:24 AM
Hello @NAYAN,
Unfortunately, the wiki page concerns an obsolete MCSDK version.
For version, MCSDK6.x Workbench, the example will generate an ACIM-NUCLEOG431RB-IHM023V3-VF_OL.ioc file.
The workbench interface replaces ACIMGUI for parameters changes (click on Motor for Motor parameters e.g.).
Use Workbench to generate the project.
On STM32 IDE, load the generated STM32CubeIDE directory in "File>Open Projects from File System..."