2020-07-08 6:35 PM
Ran Motor Profiler, Created new project in MotorControlWorkbench, Generated code for STM32CubeIDE, built application with no errors, run debugger which shows download successfully.
Switch back to motor control workbench and successfully connect, when I click on "start motor"
I get the following error "Communication is closed, the board doesn't response correctly" and the board disconnects.
2020-10-07 6:14 AM
No, it doesn't.
2020-10-20 7:57 AM
Dear @RTrev.1
Any news?
Best regards
Laurent Ca...
2020-10-20 8:25 AM
About a week ago someone updated my case saying, "Is this issue still outstanding or can we close the ticket". I responded that the issue is still outstanding, but have not heard anything since.
2020-10-20 8:50 AM
Dear @RTrev.1
You mean someone on the local support side?
Because internally, no news of support request regarding your question.
By the way, it seems too long.
Therefor, I will try to have some news in the week.
Best regards
Laurent Capella
2020-10-27 2:22 AM
Dear @RTrev.1
OK let's dot it.
Firstly, we need you complete setup:
Secondly, could you copied here the text you send to local support.
Thirdly, did you take into account of the patch for STM32G431?
Best regards
Laurent Ca...
2020-10-29 9:39 AM
2020-10-30 3:14 AM
Dear @RTrev.1
When you use MC WorkBench, to generate the project you have to select a version of CubeMX installed on your computer.
What are they?
Best regards
Laurent Ca...
2020-10-31 8:27 AM