2015-07-24 2:48 AM
I have enable the AUX sensor() for observe(obsever+PLL) and the main sensor is encoder , but in ST Motor Control Workbench(4_1),I can't read any data of about I(eg: Id�?Iq�?electrical angle(PLL)�?rotor speed(PLL)),which I can read now is just Speed measured �?Torque measured(Id) and Motor Power.
PS:I use stm32f303cbt6(use it's embanded OPAMP for 3 shunt current mesure) + encoder + PMSM + FOC4.1can any one give me some suggestions ?2015-09-07 5:57 AM
Using the ST MC Workbench ''real time commincation'' using the USART-RS232, it is possible to take a look to quantities that are changing not so fast. For instance Iq and Id and Iq and Id reference can be read in this way (if the load is not changing fast). To do this is necessary to enable the reading going in the ''Registers'' tab and go in the row 0x08 Torque reference (Iq) or 0x0C Flux reference (Id) and verify if the column Enable is checked and the Period is different from 0 (this value is period of refresh expressed in millisecond, but 0 means disabled). You can do this for any registers available in this table but for quantity that is changing very fast like Electrical Angle is not the best way. For these quantities is better to use the DAC functionalities. Ciao Gigi2021-06-27 9:03 PM
The question has been moved from the "Motor Control Hardware" section to the "STM32 Motor Control" section (the question is about the STM32 MC SDK).
Best regards