2021-10-20 12:23 AM
I mean the eval board foc source code., not the sdk. I searched on the st website, but find none.
In the pc directory "STMotorProfiler\resources\assets\fws", I found the firmware, like as NUCLEO-F446RE#STEVAL-IPMNG3Q 3Sh#(5.4.0)#(3A1B794F).hex, but I need the source code. Someone can tell me where to download the source code?
2021-10-20 02:34 AM
Hello @llm
The ST FOC examples source code come with the SDK.
In motor control application, the motor is fully part of the system, as we do not provide the motor, we can not provide an out of the box working exemple.
If you have the SDK, you can easily generate a project with the source code and it will match your motor.
The binary your are referring to is the binary of the motor profiler. Motor profiler firmware source code is not delivered.