2021-09-08 5:18 AM
I have one TMOTOR RI-70 KV95 BLDC motor with HALL sensors and harmonic grive gear 1:120 and payload 10Nm controled by evalkit NUCLEOG431+X-NUCLEO-IHM08M1. I need to control it in torque mode.
I generate application in MotorControl 5.4.6, FW 1.1.
Without payload all setup works well, but when payload is attached, I have strange for me problem.
When value of "placement electrical angle" is set to 60 degree in MotorControl.
Starting position is 6 o'clock (arm hang to down).
In generated application I execute:
MC_ProgramTorqueRampMotor1(2000, 1);
Afer moving arm to 9 o'clock or 3 o'clock arm is blocking. Blocking is minning, that when I change torque value to 3000 or 4000 (in debug mode), motor start ticking by 1 hall position and after few (10-30) seconds of ticking motor start moving smoothly again.
When I set "placement electrical angle" is set to 90 degree in MotorControl. This issue doesn't appears in CCW direction, but in CW direction motor is not moving well at all.
When I set "placement electrical angle" is set to 30 degree in MotorControl. This issue doesn't appears in CW direction, but in CCW direction motor is not moving well at all.
Could You help me to diagnose this issue?
I can add more information if needed, pictures or movie.
Best regards
�?ukasz �?ęcki
2021-10-18 12:20 AM
Dear @�?ukasz �?ęcki
Sorry for late first answer.
If I understand well your issue, this angle is a motor characteristic.
It is not supposed to be changed in function of your usecase.
Best regards
2021-10-18 1:33 PM
I fixed my problem by replacing HALL encoder. Right now I use ABI encoder and issue dispears.
But thanks for Your response.