2024-11-28 11:46 PM
I am an employee of a company producing underwater scooters, currently working on implementing the STSPIN32G4 microcontroller in our products. I have the following question:
In the Motor control Workbench software, in the "Speed Sensing Mode Selection" section, the "High sensitivity observer" option is available to choose from
1. How should the microcontroller hardware connections be made to be able to use this option?
2. Will STSPIN32G4 allow the use of this functionality?
I also have the EvalBoard EVSPIN32G4, but when trying to configure it, the "High sensitivity observer" option for this evalboard is unavailable.
3. What should be changed in the scheme of this evalboard to be able to use this option?
Best regards,
Slawomir Gradowicz
2024-12-02 4:53 AM
Hello calka,
The HSO is currently only available out of the box uisng the B-G473-ZEST1S-B + STEVAL-LVLP01 combination. However, you can generate and run the FW using any custom design provided that you meet the following requirements :
- You make use of a STM32G4 (this includes STSPIN32G4)
- You provide three phases voltage sensing
- You provide three phases current sensing, either using shunts or ICS.
I strongly recommend getting inspiration from the STEVAL-LVL01 schematics for the above as well as for any kind of filtering. If you have any further question, please have a look at the HSO start-up guide (via WorkBench you can find it by clicking on About -> Documentations -> Release Note, and search for the HSO Start-up guide hyperlink) to know more about our solution before creating a forum post, then I will happily answer to any of your remaining questions.
2024-12-03 6:12 AM
Hi Gael A
Thanks for the info, I still need some more help.
I meet the requirements described in the above post, i.e.:
- I use the STSPIN32G4 microprocessor
- current measurement on three phases using two different ADC converters, the measurement system is analogous to the EVSPIN32G4, using internal amplifiers and an external resistor network
- voltage measurement on three phases, filtered and connected to pins PC0, PC1 and PC2 according to the STSPIN32G4 data sheet, these pins can be mapped to ADC1 or ADC2 (ADC12_IN6, ADC12_IN7, ADC12_IN8), so the assumption that voltage measurement must take place on two different ADCs (as described in the HSO startup guide) can be met
I use:
Motor control workbench v 6.3.2
Board defined as an inverter in json format - I am attaching it to the post
Project configured in MC workbench - I am attaching it to the post
Despite the above-mentioned configuration, I cannot select HSO mode.
MC workbench board configurator I can't define which pin PC0, PC1, PC2 should be mapped to ADC1 or ADC2 to meet the requirement of different ADCs when measuring voltages.
Please verify the board design and information on what I should change in the settings to have access to HSO.
2024-12-05 3:10 AM
Hello calka,
I should have been more precise in my previous post, I will complete my answer :
Currently, for the STSPIN32G4, the only available shunt-based current sensing method available is the Three Shunts Raw Currents Differential External Gains with Filtered ADC Input. This configuration is only supported using 3 different OPAMPs.
You could normally also generate with external OpAmps (Three Shunts Amplified Currents) but this is currently not available for STSPIN32G4 and will be changed as soon as possible.