2021-04-09 7:27 AM
I have configured the Motor workbench and generated the C code firmware for B-G431B-ESC1 and I can read input voltage and Hall sensors when I rotate the motor manually with hand. I am having problem with PWM signals from micrcontroller that it makes the motor windings short circuited. I need support in regartd of firmware if it not fully developed from ST to solve this problem (project files also attached).
Also I am not sure if this B-G431B-ESC1 is suitable to run this 24V-Maxon Motor (I have attached the datasheet also from Maxon Motor).
If you can also provide the email contact of technical team member from ST (Applicaiton engineer) that will be great.
I look forward to your feedback. Thank you.
Muhammad Hassan Asif
2021-04-09 9:03 AM
Hello Muhammad,
In order to easily check that the B-G431-ESC1 board is able to spin your motor, I would advise you to try to profile your motor with the ST Motor Profiler tool.
The ST Motor Profiler does not need the hall sensors connection.
Let's us know in the forum the outcome of the profiling run.
Be careful that your motor is 200 Watt. To be able to deliver the current required to this level of power the ESC board must be cooled.
The targeted application of this board is drone motor, with the board cooled by the propeller for instance.
Hope it helps
2021-04-12 3:29 AM
Hi Cedric,
Thank you for your feedback. After profiling, Maxon motor was running and ST profiler calculated the Motor Data. Then I started new project in MC work bench tool with this new motor profile and B-G431-ESC1 kit. In workbench software, now motor is also spinning, I can read the speed of motor when I rotate the speed knob. So far workbench tool basic functionality is working totally fine.
I wanted to check from B-G431-ESC1 board hardware if start/stop button and potentiomenter has control on motor. Start stop button starts or stops the motor thats also good. But there is no response from Potentiometer when i rotate it. The potentiometer on board is for speed and direction control? If not, how can i control speed and direction motor through External PWM signal(490Hz)?
I look forward to your feedback. Thank you.
Best Regards,
2021-04-12 7:46 AM
Hello Hassan,
The speed control through an external PWM signal is supported through an example only.
If you look at the example list proposed, one item is called "B-G431-ESC1 electronic speed control".
Read carefully the associated readme file. At the generation stage, you must press the update button.
For the potentiometer, we are developing an example that will be included in the next release.
For the time being if you want you can port the code provided in the example "Speed ramp with Potentiometer on P-NUCELO-IHM003 kit"
Best regards
2021-04-12 8:01 AM
Hi Cedric,
Thank you for your feedback. I will try to run the code of example "Speed ramp with Potentiometer on P-NUCELO-IHM003 kit " on "B-G431-ESC1 and will give you feedback.
Secondly, On ST website the user manual for "B-G431-ESC1" is revision 4. This revision 4 does not have schematics. Can you please share the old revision 1 or revision 2 of the user manual from "B-G431-ESC1. Thank you.
Best Regards,
2021-04-12 10:40 AM
Schematics are available under CAD resources section :
Best Regards
2021-04-16 4:23 AM
Hi Cedric,
Thanks for schematics. As I am testing the B-G431-ESC1 with Maxon motor (datasheet attached), I observed that with loading on motor, the motor current do not go high to supply enough torque and consequently motor RPM are decreased. At 24V, and at 500RPM motor current goes to 0.300A max with loading and then RPM are around 200 or 250. Motor is not able to supply enough torque also.
However, to check the motor, same Maxon motor I tested with other controller, the motor current goes high upto 3A or more with loading to maintain the RPM and also to supply torque.
So the difference is from B-G431-ESC1 board, can you guide what can be possible reason and how we can configure the Current parameters for torque supply?
I look forward to your feedback. Thank you.
Best Regards,