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Hello, I'm implementing UART protocol to control A Motor Driver Board. I need detail on "Flags" and "Status" Registers (i.e. Meaning of each bit). more How can I get Torque Data converted in nm? Thanks

Associate II

Super vague, try to provide specific context

Which Board? Link to, Schematic or Name..

Which STM32 part?

What UART?

UART register bits on specific STM32, stuff that should be in the relevant Reference Manual for the part.

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Hello, I've asked the questions because the relavant documentation (see attached file @ pages 161 and followings) does not contain this Info. I have two custom boards: One motor Driver Based on STM32G431 and one display Driver Based on STM32G031. I'm able to communicate using the protocol described in the attached document but some information is missing: Register "FLAGS", Address 0x01 (Should contain all the Alarm Flags): no information about the meaning of Each Bit register "STATUS", Address 0x02: Same problem as above. More: Register "Torque Measured (Iq)" Address 0x1F: How can the Number Read from this register be converted to nm (NewtnMerter) units? Thanks Alfonso Il giorno mar 29 nov 2022 alle ore 19:04 ST Community ha scritto:
Associate II


I've asked the questions because the relavant documentation (see attached file @ pages 161 and followings) does not contain this Info.

I have two custom boards:

One motor Driver Based on STM32G431 and one display Driver Based on STM32G031.

I'm able to communicate using the protocol described in the attached document but some information is missing:

Register "FLAGS", Address 0x01 (Should contain all the Alarm Flags): no information about the meaning of Each Bit 

register "STATUS", Address 0x02: Same problem as above.

More: Register "Torque Measured (Iq)" Address 0x1F: How can the Number Read from this register be converted to nm (NewtnMerter) units?



Associate II


No faults 0x0000

FOC Duration 0x0001

Over Voltage 0x0002

Under Voltage 0x0004

Overheat 0x0008

Start up failure 0x0010

Speed Feedback 0x0020

Overcurrent 0x0040

Software error 0x0080



Idle 0x0

Idle alignment 0x1

Alignment 0x2

Idle Start 0x3

Start 0x4

Start Run 0x5

Run 0x6

Any Stop 0x7

Stop 0x8

Stop idle 0x9

Fault Now 0xA

Fault Over 0xB


V*A = nm/Sec