2019-05-23 2:58 AM
I use FOC+Hall sensor(STM32F030RE MCU, ihm08m1 power board, MC lib 5.3.2) and set default mode to torque mode(Iq = 15A, Id = 0). Motor nominal current is 15A
When I try to go uphill by this Ebike, the motor can not go uphill sucessfully.
How to improve? adjust PID(speed PID or/both current PID) or something else?
What is the difference among MC API MC_ProgramSpeedRampMotor1(), MC_ProgramTorqueRampMotor1(),
For "go uphill" scenario, which API I should use?
2021-06-28 3:05 AM
The question has been moved from the "Motor Control Hardware" section to the "STM32 Motor Control" section (the question is about the STM32 MC SDK).
Best regards
2021-11-29 4:44 AM
A very interesting question!!!
I also could not find a good, understandable answer to the essential differences of the three methods mentioned.
Does the "MC_SetCurrentReference" method affect the other two?
To be honest, I am quite disappointed with the support quality of ST in the SMT32 Motor Control Forum... or have any of you guys ever received a useful answer from ST?
2021-11-29 4:21 PM
I am agree with you. I had asked three question, but none sloved.