2014-09-18 11:32 PM
When using the configuration Sensor-Less Observer with PLL as main sensor and the Hall sensors as auxiliary sensor, the STMCWB generates faulty code in ''drive parameter.h'':
On line 49, the ''&sharpdefine AUX_ENCODER'' is wrong.
There MUST be
&sharpdefine AUX_HALL_SENSOR''
With this wrong define, the peripherals are initialized badly and the configuration doesn't work at all.This happens in single and dual motor control.STSW-STM32100, FOC SDK 4.0.0, on STM32f4xxx, with Keil Tool chain
Online Support Incident -
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#stmcwb-auxiliary-hall-sensor2014-09-22 3:07 AM
Ciao Christian
We discovered the same issue, the same day :) during an internal training. Thank you for reporting, we will fix it asap. Ciao Gigi2021-06-17 2:00 AM
The question has been moved from the "Motor Control Hardware" section to the "STM32 Motor Control" section (the question is about the STM32 MC SDK).
Best regards