2020-01-07 6:53 PM
As described in
UM1052 User manual STM32F PMSM single/dual FOC SDK v4.3
8.3.3 Setting up the system when using Hall-effect sensors
For these reasons, it is suggested to follow the instructions given below when connecting a
Hall-sensor equipped PM motor to your board:
2. Turn the rotor by hand in the direction assumed to be positive and look at the B-emf
induced on the three motor phases. If the real neutral point is not available, it can be
reconstructed by means of three resistors, for instance.
6. Enter two parameters displacement and delay found in the ST MC Workbench GUI,
inside the window related to motor speed and position sensor. An example with delay
equal to 270° is illustrated in Figure 85: "Determination of Hall electrical phase shift"
My question:
If I Turn the rotor by hand in the direction assumed to be "negative",
how to calcuate the delay? same as "positive"? any difference if I trun the rotor by hand in "negative" direction?
2021-06-14 11:40 PM
The question has been moved from the "Motor Control Hardware" section to the "STM32 Motor Control" section (the question is about the STM32 MC SDK).
Best regards