2020-02-06 2:54 AM
Dear all,
im running into the problem that the compilation of a fresh generated project using the motor control workbench fails to compile for the SPIN3202 board.
In the default settings RAM and ROM is overflowed. When i set the opitmisation to speed or code size, the ROM isn't overflowed anymore but the RAM ist still overflowed by 8 Bytes.
section `._user_heap_stack' will not fit in region `RAM'
region `RAM' overflowed by 8 bytes
I generated the project according to https://my.st.com/content/ccc/resource/technical/document/user_manual/group0/d9/d1/b2/67/be/15/42/76/DM00361065/files/DM00361065.pdf/jcr:content/translations/en.DM00361065.pdf
I'm using the STM32CubeIDE with version 1.1.0 and haven't added any usercode yet.
Are there any options for me to test the default project on this hardware?
2020-02-06 2:52 PM
Just found out that the generated program will barely fit into memory with full optimisation and a heap size of 0x00. I hope that disabling the uart control gives me enough space to write my own code on top of the basic project.
I also downloaded Keil and found out that the Keil compiler did a better job at generating code than the gcc and so the compiled code is smaller with the Keil IDE. Luckily the Keil MDK is free for STM32L0 G0 and F0.
2020-03-30 9:53 PM
I am having the same issue! I will try Keil. I hope it fixs the problem!
2021-06-21 11:00 PM
The question has been moved from the section "Motor Control Hardware" to the "STM32 Motor Control" section (the question is about the STM32 MC SDK).
Best regards