2022-07-21 6:52 AM
I would like to drive a simple DC motor with a STM32F446RE.
I use the VNH5019 as motor driver.
Everything works so far.
My only question now would be, is there a ready-to-use library or perhaps a way to embed the component into the software via STM32CubeMX?
Thank you very much
2022-07-22 1:42 AM
What, exactly, do you mean by "drive" here?
Have you looked on the Product Page for the VNH5019:
2022-07-22 3:14 AM
Hello Andrew, first of all thanks for your answer.
To describe it in more detail:
There is an EVAL board (STEVAL-VNH5019A) for the driver, which can be operated/tested with a Windows program.
The program offers various functions:
- Basic motor control (direction, start/stop, brake)
- PWM control
- Diagnostics
- ...
(see image)
I would now like to know if there is appropriate code or a library somewhere to do all of this on my processor