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why doesn't have sample source code about stm32 standard peripheral libraries for STM32L0x series?

sw lee
Associate II

i done make working file with STM32F031F6(STM32F0xx_StdPeriph_Driver) at the first time...

and now, we will change to STM32L031F6(STM32L0xx_StdPeriph_Driver) ..

but doesn't have in


so i try to with STM32CubeMx...some function has working well but have trouble with TIM2 and I2C1... i cann't find problem.... lol

so just i want try with STM32L031F6(STM32L0xx_StdPeriph_Driver)..that's is simple

ask to who???

ST Employee

Hello @sw lee​ ,

There is no new Standard Peripheral Library developed since STM32Cube package was announced.

This is applicable for STM32L0,STM32L4, STM32F7, STM32H7...

For STM32L0 (as well as STM32F0) you have the option to use snippet code or LL drivers available in the STM32Cube package.


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sw lee
Associate II

Thanks for answer

 but, when i use to snippet code(with, so many not matched for STM32L0.

 source has refer to STM32F0xx many times

like down picture


and i was tried to LL drivers available in the STM32Cube package before..

i failed also..