2016-02-16 6:06 AM
I want to develop a custom 8x8 USB hid keyboard and have studied the basics about it.Now I am searching for USB microcontrollers supported for it.I found STM32F0xx and STM32F1xx series both support this and also that KEIL MDK ARM toolchain for developing USB device applications is free for STM32F0xx series.Which series microcontroller would be better for my application? #hid #stm32f0 #usb #stm322016-02-17 1:02 AM
How about NUCLEO-F042K6 board?
This board has on-board ST-Link/V2-1, 100mil-pitch pin header for each port. The USB engine is driven by internal crystal-less clock (sync to SOF on the bus). You'll need an extra USB connector, For standard B receptacle, 1 VBUS - +5V (CN4-4pin) 2 D- - PA11 (D10,CN3-13pin) 3 D+ - PA12 (D2, CN3-5pin) 4 GND - GND (CN4-2pin) [ CubeMX setting ] Start New Project at File menu, and set up these items. New Project Dialog Click Board Selector tab - select NUCLEO-F042K6 board and push OK Pinout tab RCC > CRS SYNC - CRS SYNC Source USB (pull-down menu) USB > Device (FS) (Check box) USB_DEVICE > Class For FS IP - Human Interface Device Class (pull-down menu) (USB_DEVICE on MiddleWare is enabled when USB - Device (FS) is checked) Clock Configuration tab - let CubeMX tune the setting automatically (automatic clock issues solver), following the dialog which appears when this tab is touched. Setting finishes. Generate Code on Project menu Tsuneo