2016-02-17 6:34 AM
Hello all,
I am trying to find a Bootloader (compiled file and source code) for stm32f429. I was able to find only this documentation:http://www.st.com/web/en/resource/technical/document/application_note/CD00167594.pdf
but I can see, that bootloader is programmed to the every mcu before it leaves the factory. I would need also the source code, because I have to change some thing (add some functions) into bootloader. I was able to get bootloader code from EFM (for my other project with EFM32GG380) but I cannot find it anywhere for STM.Any help is much appreciated. Thank you. #stm32f429 #bootloader2016-02-17 6:56 AM
Why don't implement it yourself? It's easy.
2016-02-17 9:39 AM
And the ROM'd version is unusable why exactly?
I think you just need to implement your own to your own unique requirements, there is nothing particularly magically in the System Loader, and there are a lot of things that can be done significantly better, with a full understanding of the surrounding hardware designed onto a custom board.The first 16KB Flash block is quite sufficient for a reasonably powerful loader, providing say X-Modem and SD Card support.I've generated annotated disassemblies of a couple of the loaders. Going to source would be quite an expensive undertaking. And I don't see ST providing you with their source code.2016-02-17 9:41 AM
Also understand that your host application can download whatever specialized loader you want to create into RAM, and transfer control to that via the System Loader.