2018-02-16 9:55 AM
Where can I download the
STM32F107xx lwIP stack with IEEE 1588 PTPd support? I have read the application notes AN3102 and AN3411, and the 3411 note appear to indicate there is a PTPd port for this line of processors.
#stm32f107xx-ptp-ieee-15882018-02-17 12:42 AM
Hello Dennis,
I can't find AN3411 on ST website. Could you please check again the name of application note?
Regarding AN3102, software related to this application note is available here:
2018-04-17 3:47 AM
Dear Dennis,
I'm also searching for the same stack that supports IEEE 1588 PTPd. It's mentioned in AN3411 Application note which is surprisingly also not available on ST website. Did you find it already? Can you update me regarding this issue?
Regards,Kamil2018-04-17 5:51 AM
Dear Szymon,
I have the same problem so I thought it would be helpful to discuss it with you.
For some reason, the application note AN3411 is not available on ST website anymore, however you can find it on:http://www.bdtic.com/download/ST/AN3411.pdf
How can we find the software related to this note?
Thanks.Regards,Kamil2018-08-01 4:01 PM
It can be found here http://www.bdtic.com/download/ST/AN3411.pdf
People still looking for the PTP examples described therein
2018-10-03 7:45 AM
Has the sample code been located by anyone? I actually am looking to port it to the F7 core. I see references to LwIP possibly including a PTPd stack but haven't found anything.
2018-10-03 8:27 AM
@STOne-32 The support for IEEE-1588 continually gets put in to diagrams and slide decks, but there seems to be a consistent lack of delivery for specific/worked examples of its use/application. Can we get someone within ST to take ownership of this issue?
2019-02-06 7:42 AM
The hardware for IEEE 1588 exists in SMT32Fxxx, so why can't ST document it and provide software examples? AN3411, and demonstration software mentioned in it, shows IEEE 1588 support, but they are no longer available. Why?
I haven't implemented IEEE 1588, but I have used the PTP hardware to synchronize STM32F427 uPs on a standard Ethernet switch. To do IEEE 1588 properly, you need switches that support IEEE 1588 boundary clocks to insert actual switching delays into IEEE 1588 packets going through the switch. ST PTP register documentation lists sniffing support for IEEE 1588 packets, but there is no documentation that I can find on that support. Using a standard switch, I get synchronization to about +/- 50 ns (depending on crystal freq. accuracy, switch used and amount of other Ethernet traffic). You can tune this to get even better accuracy. This would most likely be a little better on the H7 at 400MHz.
Note: If you directly connect (no switch) a master and slave uPs for testing, you can better see how the crystal freq. accuracy affects results for your PTP implementation.
2019-02-06 8:14 AM
Timing seems to be considered rather niche, or ST lacks domain expertise.
I think the Ethernet IP comes from Synopsys , so other platforms might use it and have some more evolved examples.
The lack of PTP support has been brought up numerous times here, I think it needs a customer large enough to break some legs to get some eyes on the issue.
2019-05-06 11:50 AM
The AN3411 code seems to be largely lost to the sands of time. This is rather disappointing, as STMicro should not ever lose code to their own application notes!
I have found a github repo at https://github.com/mpthompson/stm32_f4_ptpd which seems to include enough of the AN3411 code that you could get it working without too much work. I am using this repo as the basis for my STM32F7 port. It's so far straightforward but not easy. It's also kind of disappointing in STMicro that their HAL has no support for the timestamping functions in their devices. I would have thought I'd find some kind of stm32_hal_eth_ex source file for this, but am instead implementing it on my own, based on the code in that repo.