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USB Audio 2.0 (Async) I2S Recommendations


Hi all,

I'm an NRF52/PIC/Atmel programmer which hasn't as of yet touched on STM32. I have a requirement to build a Audio 2.0 USB to I2S converter. Someone on Aliexpress has done it and it looks like the simplest way in terms of chip and components and I'm hoping someone can point me in the right direction.

The key is it has two additional crystals to generate it's own clock to match the signal. I'll simply love it if someone has done it and can share a schematic and if there's code that only needs config to get up and running - I want to avoid a deep dive into STM32.

The chip used on this product is a STM32F401. The STM32F042F6 also has I2S but I've no idea if it can handle the crystals (or indeed how that side of it works).

I'm wondering if the product in the img is based on this

Any advice most welcome!
