2009-11-17 9:36 AM
uClinux on STM32
#stm32-uclinux-bootloader2011-05-17 3:16 AM
Hello everyone,
I know this subject is old But is there anybody that have successfully port uClinux on STM3220g or STM3220F eval board? cheers Ryan2011-05-17 3:16 AM
But is there anybody that have successfully port uClinux on STM3220g or STM3220F eval board?
Probably going to be slim going at the moment as the STM32F2 series boards are on heavy allocation. Have you reviewed the code available for the F1 series parts/boards?
2011-12-19 8:56 PM
Still the same questions from last year, where is the source code of the bootloader? Shouldn't it be provided along with the spirit of the open source software? Thanks.
2011-12-29 10:18 AM
I'am looking for the packageSTM3210E-EVAL uClinux software kit
which contain the files bellow as described in application notesCD00242717.pdf
: - uClinux_on_stm32.patch.gz: the uClinux patch, using which the ARM Cortex-M3 CPUand STM3210E-EVAL board are supported.
- AN3012.pdf: the purpose of this guide is to show all the steps necessary tosuccessfully configure, build and run uClinux on the board. It also presents the
procedure to add new hardware driver and applications to the kernel.
- Tiny_kernel_boot_loader.hex / kernel_boot_loader.hex: these are the boot loadersrequired to boot up the board and load uClinux (kernel loader / firmware updater).
- uClinux_on_stm32-jffs.dfu / uClinux_on_stm32-MCU_Flash.dfu: these are the binaryimage files that can immediately be downloaded to the board to get uClinux running.
can you say where i can found thus package please? Thanks!2011-12-29 1:18 PM
Have you tried your local ST FAE, representative, or sales office?
2011-12-30 1:58 AM
yeap! but i didn't have a reply yet...
thanx!2012-01-12 12:54 AM
I found
this implementation
on the web
-eval.It looks interesting
Kit (
the Following
Board Support
Package (
BSP)for the
Best regards.2012-01-14 11:38 AM
Indeed, Emcraft Systems provides Linux (uClinux)
port for STM32F2 using the STM3220G-EVAL board + Emcraft's STM-MEM add-on as a hardware reference platform . The STM-MEM add-on board provides 32MB of PSRAM and 8MB of NOR Flash. Linux (uClinux included) requires external RAM to run - the integrated SRAM of STM32F2 is not nearly large enough even for an ultra-tiny Linux configuration; you need at least 4MB of external RAM for practical configurations. In respect to specific devices to use for external RAM in a practical STM32F2 design targetting Linux, STM32F2 supports only SRAM devices as far as external RAM is concerned. You would be able to get a 16MB 70ns PSRAM (with a Page Mode for 20ns sequential accesses) for $6-7. That device draws power at just uA levels at static times making it possible to use Linux with power-sensitive applications. Of course, you also need something to load a bootable Linux image from, but this can be about anything - network, SDcard, SPI EEPROM, NOR Flash, etc; even embedded Flash, in case you boot from a compressed kernel and mount a root filesystem on NOR Flash, SDcard, NFS, etc.2012-04-18 11:21 PM
Emcraft Systems has open sourced its ports of U-Boot and uClinux for Cortex-M3 and Cortex-M4 at github:
For more information about supported reference platforms, refer to Emcraft's web site:2012-06-12 3:19 AM
We are designing a board based on STM32f103 with 1MB of internal flash. We want to run uCLinux on it.
On the stm3210e eval board, you have used a huge NAND FLASH, then 16 MB of nor flash, and 16 MB of serial flash. I want to know whether all these are necessary to run uClinux.
Frankly, I just wanted to confirm what is the minimum memory requirement( flash as well as RAM) for the running some basic application on uclinux using a stm32f1xx ucontroller.Hi Tarm,
I realize this is just a preview release, but I am very curious about it. I loaded it up and looked around. It still looks pretty basic with just a kernel and bare-bones busybox. Getting the image that small is very impressive! I assume you are basing your changes on Catalin Marinas's CM3 linux tree? How much additional modifications did you have to do to get it to boot? You seem to have drivers for GPIO, LCD, and USART. What additional peripherals do you intend to make drivers for?
Thanks for the comments :) , Yes we started from Catalin Marinas's CM3 linux tree for the Cortex-M3 support and we have fixed some minors issues inside the Core then we build our own blocks and drivers especially for the UART and Clocks to enabled the boot. We are not planning to add more drivers from the time being however we will post the full source codes to give them to the Open community as starting point with STM32 to be enriched and developed by Linux /uclinux funs...
One request though. Please push your linux modifications upstream as soon as you can. It is frustrating to have embedded platforms that are not upstream and only older kernels available from the manufacturer (or even more difficult, third party ''partners'') and they get old and stale very fast. If you can get the changes upstream, you will be doing your customers and yourself a big favor (from a maintenance perspective).
Thanks for the push, Yes it is planned once we get a proper and stable version to be uploaded to the www.uclinux.org
Our current build is based on the Original ''uClinux project page'' http://www.uclinux.org/pub/uClinux/dist/uClinux-dist-20080808.tar.bz2 which is the latest stable version of uClinux which implements the Linux kernel 2.6.26-uc0. You also need the uClinux distribution update patch file: http://www.uclinux.org/pub/uClinux/dist/patches/uClinux-dist-20080808-20090112.patch.gz Cheers, STOne-32.