2009-11-17 9:36 AM
uClinux on STM32
#stm32-uclinux-bootloader2011-05-17 3:16 AM
Hi Guys
does anybody know, if there is a version with uClinux on its way to the STM32. And does anybody knows what the footprint is going to fill? can it run with no externel memory?? thanks a lot2011-05-17 3:16 AM
Dear awesten,
The minimum µClinux compressed image has a footprint of about 300KBytes (only Kernel, Shell) and then it needs to be decompressed to another Memory to about twice size so we will have about 600KBytes. We can run µClinux on STM32 High density devices having External Memory interface. Regards, STOne-32 [ This message was edited by: STOne-32 on 04-06-2009 17:39 ]2011-05-17 3:16 AM
Hi Guys,
With google I found some infos that the development for the port is already started based on the RealView EB. Are there any new news about stm32 devices? Any chances to see it running on my own devices? Regards, Michael2011-05-17 3:16 AM
Dear Michael,
µClinux is running on STM32, we will publish soon (During Summer 2009 ) all the sources and the final Application Note on our web site www.st.com/stm32 Here are some snapshots... Stay connected with us :) ! Cheers, STOne-32.2011-05-17 3:16 AM
I already have the 3210E Eval board. Could you pre-share to me? Kasper2011-05-17 3:16 AM
Hi STOne,
WOW :o I wasn't expecting THAT answer :o Can you release some Infos about the hardware-requirements.Specialy RAM and FLASH? So i can order a new PCB for the first tests ;) Cheers, Michael2011-05-17 3:16 AM
Hi Micheal,
You need to order ''STM3210E-EVAL'' Board from ST or from one of our distributors :http://www.st.com/stonline/stappl/bol/app?page=bol&pn=STM3210E-EVAL
Once you get it let me know, I can share the µClinux distribution in advance with you before having it officially on our web site :) Cheers, STOne-32 [ This message was edited by: STOne-32 on 24-07-2009 11:52 ]2011-05-17 3:16 AM
Good Idea ;) I order one as soon as I can find a distributor, who is selling it to a private person :( No good luck with the job situation at the moment :(2011-05-17 3:16 AM
Dear all,
The implementation is running from the External Memories on the STM3210E-EVAL board Connected to the FSMC (Code is in External Flash and Data is in the external RAM), Here attached the binaryfiles on how to get started step-by-step : 1) ''kernel_boot_loader.hex'' to put in into internal Flash using the ST Flash loader demonstrator into the flash, move boot jumpers to ''system Memory Mode'' before this operation. 2) Once done ( This bootloader is a version of DFU modified), Put again the jumpers to boot from user flash. 3) Connect USB cable to your PC and with ''DFuSe Software'', reset the board while maintaining the Key button pushed, Then upgrade the attached ''uClinux_on_stm32.dfu.dfu'' file. 4) Connect a RS232 Cable to Hyper-terminal on your Windows PC to USART1 on board and choose this connection : 19200 , 8 data, Parity ( None) , Stop Bit (1) , No Flow control 5) Reset the Board again to boot on µClinux -> You should be able to see the Boot process 6) Here you go, You can play several commands : ''ls -l'' -> To see the root files system ''cat /proc/meminfo'' -> To see the memory usage ''ps'' -> To see the running processes ''kill -TERM 15'' -> End the task having the PID 15 (Led_Show application), ''ps'' -> To see the running processes after previous operation ''echo T > /dev/gpioF6'' ->This will switch the status (On/Off) of the first LED (LD1) connected to GPIO port F pin 6. ''echo 0 > /dev/gpioF6;echo 0 > /dev/gpioF7;echo 0 > /dev/gpioF8;echo 0 > /dev/gpioF9'' -> this will force all GPIOs Leds to be switched off. Enjoy it ... And let me know your impressions and feedbacks :) Cheers, STOne-32.