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UART Serial Monitor using VS Code, Linux, and ST-Link

Associate II

I have an older STM32 Nucleo-F746ZG and I want to try and send some serial over the ST-Link. I am in Ubuntu with VS Code. I have successfully built the project and it appears to be running in debug mode. However when I try to connect and read the serial output via Screen, Putty or even the Serial Monitor extension nothing is showing up on the serial port. I have found the ST-Link is at /dev/ttyACM0 and I have added my user to the dialout group, but nothing shows up.


I am using UART2 in Asynchronous mode, added interrupt and using VS Code in debug mode. I suspect that this is OS related, but wanted to know if anyone had any suggestions on where to look.


I have done other projects with STM32-Nucleo and VS Code so I believe this is a simple error on my part related to the ST-Link usb in Linux.




right, seems to be on usart3 :



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@hdferguson3 wrote:

The tutorial was a YouTube video I am embarrassed to say. 

You could leave a comment on the tutorial in question.

Nothing wrong with YouTube per se - ST themselves have loads of tutorials on YouTube