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Two questions about HAL_GPIO_EXTI_IRQHandler


1- Using cubre-mx I enabled two IRQ lines, each generate its own ISR

void EXTI0_IRQHandler(void)





void EXTI15_10_IRQHandler(void)




Why HAL joint together both IRQ handlers in one function, isn't better to use two separate functions ?

2 - Later why use the name callback, this name should be reserved for functions used as parameter on functions?


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Presumably the latter one is supposed to be calling with GPIO_PIN10 thru 15

HAL is a monster, it is going to qualify the source, call your callback, and clear the source.

They have one gate keeper function.

If you want efficiency do your work in the IRQHandler directly.

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Presumably the latter one is supposed to be calling with GPIO_PIN10 thru 15

HAL is a monster, it is going to qualify the source, call your callback, and clear the source.

They have one gate keeper function.

If you want efficiency do your work in the IRQHandler directly.

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EXTI0_IRQHandler and EXTI15_10_IRQHandler are tied to interrupts in the core. No way to merge those.

> isn't better to use two separate functions ?

Hard to make sweeping generalizations like that. The most common practice is that a single function is better as it reduces code duplication.

> Later why use the name callback

It needs to know which pin to check EXTI flags for.

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Well HAL code didn't understand the reason to have split EXTI interrupt vectors in the chip, simply said....

By default, do you start a new project using HAL or avoid it from the very bebining ?