2021-02-24 3:25 AM
Hello ,
I want to connect (M02 weight indicator) with my controller(STM32F779BI) through MODBUS TCP/IP protocol.
I am using microcontroller as client and weight indicator as server. I can't able to read data from server. server is not responding with any of data. I want to clear that server is connected successfully.
One more thing I want to clear that with this microcontroller as master I able to read and write data to mbslave(application which is work as Modbus server)
Modbus Frame : 0x01 0x02 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x06 0x01 0x03 0x00 0x0b 0x00 0x01
Thank you.
2021-03-08 7:44 PM
any solution ?
2021-03-08 9:51 PM
If You want use Modbus TCP/IP client please look on free solution on the site: https://www.embedded-experts.at/en/freemodbus-downloads/
Best Regards,
2021-03-09 10:07 PM
Thanks , I have done it now .
2022-07-12 5:29 AM
Hello sir,
Thank you for posting this link. In fact, I'm looking to connect my nucleo-f767zi board as a client to a server (laptop for eg) with Modbus protocol. I succeed to establish a TCP/IP communication on ethernet port.
Now, I want to make the communication via Modbus TCP protocol. Do you have any idea what files to I have to include from the link you've posted ? Thank you.
2023-01-02 12:28 AM
I'm trying to establish TCP/IP communication on Ethernet port using my STM32F446RE and W5500 can u send me the source code please and the hardware connection
[edit: private contact details removed by moderator]
2023-01-02 3:58 PM
Here you can find help for the project.