2020-02-20 9:45 PM
Hello, ST experts
AR8031 Ethernet PHY works on STM32F417 custom board. MII interface is used here. When PHY works on normal mode at 10Mbps, everything looks fine. But when link speed is set to 100Mbps, the ethernet part can not work, HAL_ETH_GetReceivedFrame()get nothing.
So a further more work has been done about this problem. AR8031 is set to loopback mode on different speed. That means the control register at offset 0x0 is set to 0x6100 or 0x4100. Still 100Mbps is fine and 10Mbps get nothing. At this time only HAL_ETH_TransmitFrame() and HAL_ETH_GetReceivedFrame() are used for test. And I have measured ETH_RXDV pin, it functions well. When 256bytes data is sent to AR8031 at 100Mbps, it showes about 21us pulse, and 42us in the case of 512bytes data. Also ETH_RXCLK is 25MHz. I think they are all right. But HAL_ETH_GetReceivedFrame()still get nothing. What might be the problem?
Best Regards
2020-02-21 5:38 PM
Is there any update on this thread?