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SVD fixes of FLASH registers for F2, F4 and F7 MCU

Associate II

While recenting working on the FLASH peripheral for F2-F4-F7 devices (as their structure is pretty close), I noticed a few differences between the reference manuals and the device SVD. I'm not sure who's right and who's wrong in this situation (although I would tend to consider the RMs more reliable), but it would be great if both sources could be more coherent.

So here's the list for each register (non exhaustive, there may be some I haven't seen):

    1. File named OPTKEYR in RMs while being named OPTKEY in SVD => almost all F2-F4-F7 devices
  2. OPTCR
    1. Field SPRMOD missing from SVD => 401, 411, 412, 413
  3. SR
    1. Field RDERR missing from SVD => 401, 410, 411, 412, 413, 427, 429, 437, 439, 722, 723, 732, 733
    2. Field named ERSERR in RMs while being named PGSERR in SVD => 746, 750, 756, 767, 769, 777, 778, 779
  4. CR
    1. Field named MER2 in RMs while being named MER1 in SVD => 765, 767, 769, 777, 778, 779
    2. Field named MER/MER1 in RMs while being named MER in SVD => 765, 767, 769, 777, 778, 779
    3. Globally, these fields are named MER1 & MER2 for F76x & F77x while being named MER & MER1 for F42x, F43x and F469. As I believe they share the same purpose, maybe the naming could be harmonize between the models

There are probably variants of the mentioned MCU that I haven't checked but that are certainly affected by the same problems.

Thanks for taking this into consideration !

ST Employee

Hello @vinchatl ,

Thank you for having reported this!

I am checking it internally and I will come-back to you with updates (internal ticket 202427)

(PS: Internal ticket number 202427 is not accessible or usable by customers)

When your question is answered, please close this topic by clicking "Accept as Solution".
Associate II

Thanks !


For the OPTKEY field, I think it should be kept like in SVDs, as the 'R' suffix is more for registers IMHO. A nice example is the naming scheme in U5 reference manuals, with OPTKEYR for register and OPTKEY for field.