2012-07-26 6:19 AM
I want to
make my first
project with
.I have a
(http://www.ebay.com/itm/New-ENC28J60-Ethernet-LAN-Network-Module-Schematic-For-Arduino-51-AVR-LPC-STM32-/350499598396?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item519b67703c)and temperature
.I want to
make the
sending sensors data
to the web
Where can I find
examples of
such a project
Thanks #http #stm32vl-dicovery-enc28j60-ds18b2 #tcp/ip #1-wire2012-07-26 9:45 AM
Got any experience coding similar apps on a PC or anything?
You should start by looking to the vendor of such boards, and then the internet in general. If their are any canned packages that do what you want they'll likely show up on Google or Bing, Perhaps something like LwIP.2012-07-26 3:51 PM
''I want to
make the
sending sensors data
to the web
There are two separate sub-systems here: 1. Interfacing to the sensors & taking readings; 2. Transferring data to a web server. Maxim provide plenty of examples and application notes for using their 1-Wire (TM) sensors, and google will find plenty of others. eg, Communicating with a web server will require you to implement TCP/IP and a web Client; ie, an HTTP client. This is an excellent HTTP tutorial: ST provide TCP/IP examples - including InterNiche and other Open-Source stacks - and google will find many, many more...
2012-07-26 11:49 PM
My experience- project with Arduino. It seems to be to work hard ...
Thanks for links2012-08-03 2:28 PM
Arduino is very close to C, if you were able to translate it, you'd just need to set the clock speeds, pins, and SPI peripheral for compatible use.
There IS a project to bring Arduino to the STM32 directly, I don't know what the state of usability is. I suggest you google it.The ENC28J60 is a stand-alone Ethernet controller in itself. It will do the job, through the SPI port. However, the STM32F4 Discovery has its OWN Ethernet hardware peripheral, however, you'd need a hardware phy to adapt the voltage and current. The DP83848 would do that. I expect the STM32 peripheral library would have a ready example for running ethernet through that phy.Ironically, it costs more than an ENC28J60 module, even though it is only a phy, not a phy plus controller. However, working through the SPI on the ENC28J60 is probably far more limited than using the STM32 peripheral for bigger projects, and you won't learn as much about ethernet by using the ENC28J60. But, like I say, the ENC28J60 is completely adequate for reading temperature sensors.