2017-12-20 4:52 AM
Good afternoon everyone,
I'm working on a ultra low power FreeRTOS application, in which I need to enter and exit continously the STOP2 mode from my MCU, STM32L476RG. The problem is that I need to wake up working at 80MHz. My implementation works pretty much everytime, but sometimes it hangs within the function (attached) that sets the core clock to MSI with PLL at 80MHz. Anyone knows why it happens? In the specific, it hangs during the check of 'HAL_RCC_OscConfig(&RCC_OscInitStruct) != HAL_OK'
#freertos #low-power #stm32l4 #stop2 #lowpower-sleep2018-01-29 1:00 AM
Hi Fabio,
Did you solve that? I'm facing similar behaviour: my application could be perfectly working and, after maybe two days, it stops working at same function 'H
AL_RCC_OscConfig' when waking up from Stop2 mode
....Best regards,