2020-09-07 11:20 AM
Maybe someone can help me in having a bit of understanding in here:
Does the Ethernet peripheral still work with RCC_AHB2ENR_D2SRAM3EN not enabled ?
(This is with the RX buffers, Tx/Rx Descriptor tables located at 0x30040000)
From the RM, checking again, SRAM3 is at 0x30040000 - 0x30047FFF
In the given situation that, I do not turn ON the D2SRAM3 clock, but Ethernet is functional.
It does transmit and receive packets.
Is that possible at all ?
Maybe a completely stupid question, If I can Rd/Wr to SRAM3 (pbufs, descr's are in there) without enabling the AHB2 CLK, what functionality would be lacking to SRAM3, If I do not enable it ?