2020-07-23 1:41 AM
The more I am reading LWIP documentation, the more I get confused.
The entire LWIP codebase is scattered with #ifdefs making it look like a minefield and nightmare regarding maintainability. At least that's what I feel, maybe it is because I have not worked with LWIP before.
I see @Piranha citing clearly documented issues regarding CubeH7 package and multi threading regarding LWIP.
So, I have taken some interest to implement the code, the best possible way possible by me, based on LWIP documentation. But the more I look into it, I get even more confused.
To begin with, https://www.nongnu.org/lwip/2_1_x/multithreading.html
"How to get threading done right"
Did a search within the CubeH7 package regarding "LWIP_MARK_TCPIP_THREAD"
Searching 42199 files for "LWIP_MARK_TCPIP_THREAD" (case sensitive)
0 matches
@Amel NASRI @Imen DAHMEN After a few night outs, I have a splitting headache trying to sort things out. It appears as though the Cube H7 package is not really stable as far as Ethernet/LWIP is concerned.
I cant find even a single example, which properly implements LWIP guidelines, not even LWIP has sample code to describe the stack usage properly. It looks like a very poor stack regarding proper documentation too, forget maintainability and readability.
@Piranha Can you please point to at least a single properly implemented LWIP sample application code base ?
If anyone else has any pointers on this subject, please chime in even if it is 2c. I am all ears.
2020-07-23 6:55 AM
ST's clone of LwIP repo is here.
LwIP has a mailing list: https://lists.nongnu.org/archive/html/lwip-users https://lists.nongnu.org/mailman/listinfo/lwip-users
If you're looking how to write asynchronously to a socket from which another thread reads,
see this question: https://lists.nongnu.org/archive/html/lwip-users/2020-04/msg00087.html
Note that FreeRTOS has their own TCP/IP stack, you may try it instead.
-- pa
2022-11-15 4:02 AM
If yuu want to make your application thread safe you have to implement lwip multithreading.
The list of what to do that im going to show helped me resolving this problem: i wanted 5 thread calling the same function UDP_Server() (an UDP client created by me) every 1s. I always ended up in Hard Fault or problem related with memory in the LWIP library.
What to do:
static osThreadId lwip_tcpip_thread;
static u8_t lwip_core_lock_count;
static osThreadId lwip_core_lock_holder_thread;
extern sys_mutex_t lock_tcpip_core;
void sys_lock_tcpip_core(void)
if (lwip_core_lock_count == 0) {
lwip_core_lock_holder_thread = osThreadGetId();
sys_mutex_lock(&lock_tcpip_core); //spostato sotto perchè in questa funzione si aspetta
void sys_unlock_tcpip_core(void)
if (lwip_core_lock_count == 0) {
lwip_core_lock_holder_thread = 0;
void sys_mark_tcpip_thread(void)
lwip_tcpip_thread = osThreadGetId();
void sys_check_core_locking(void)
if(lwip_tcpip_thread != 0)
osThreadId current_thread = osThreadGetId();
LWIP_ASSERT("Function called without core lock",
current_thread == lwip_core_lock_holder_thread && lwip_core_lock_count > 0);
after doing this you have to put the declarations of these functions in your sys_arch.h and make LWIP_ASSERT_CORE_LOCKED and LWIP_MARK_TCPIP_THREAD (these macros are inside opt.h) points to sys_check_core_locked() and sys_mark_tcpip_thread()
2023-11-27 1:14 PM
Hello, EmbeddedVito!
Can you give an example of using a mutex when sending a packet?
This is about the last point in your message: "the last thing you have to implement is a semaphore or mutex that will protect the ethernet to send a packet at time"