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STM32H573I-DK USB Type C Receive Problem


Hello Everyone,

I'm new to USB peripheral. I have STM32H573I-DK and trying to make Type-C work in Device CDC ACM class. I read some documents and examine example codes. After all this, I create a project and I can transmit data from my DK to PC but I can not see the data that I sent from PC to DK. When I debug the read thread, it looks like this SUSPENDED(ux _transfer_request_semaphore). Thread waits for some semaphore but I dont know where to put this semaphore.

I dont know what I'm doing wrong, can you help me or guide me? Thanks. 

I attached my files, please review.


Best Regards.


Accepted Solutions

Hello @iCenger  , 

UART is crucial for communication between the STLink and the PC, enabling you to debug and monitor your application effectively. The MCU communicates with the USB host through the USB CDC ACM class, while the UART handles communication with the STLink .

Best regards.

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ST Employee

Hello @iCenger ,

For your STM32H573I-DK board, you can follow the example provided in the STM32CubeH5 repository on GitHub. Specifically, you can refer to the example for the NUCLEO-H503RB board, which demonstrates the USBX Device CDC ACM class. Here is the link to the example: STM32CubeH5 USBX Device CDC ACM Example.

You can use this example as a reference and update it to match your STM32H573I-DK board. This should help you understand how to properly handle the semaphore and other configurations required for your project.

Best regards


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Hello @MOBEJ 

First of all, thank you for your quick answer. 

I saw this example but could not understand one thing. In this example, UART is being used. What is this for?

Best regards.

Hello @iCenger  , 

UART is crucial for communication between the STLink and the PC, enabling you to debug and monitor your application effectively. The MCU communicates with the USB host through the USB CDC ACM class, while the UART handles communication with the STLink .

Best regards.

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