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STM32H5 FOTA Implementation


Dear All, 

I have NUCLEO-H563ZI Board and willing to incorporate OTA functionality in this board so that we can update the software remotely. 

I have internet facility over Ethernet and working on netxduo and threadX stack. Any example or resource to do OTA would be really helpful to start in that direction.

ST Employee

Hello @priya22 , 

I recommend this tutorial : 
STM32WB Getting Started Series: Part 7, Over-the-Air (OTA) - YouTube
Also you can check this link .

Hope it helps!

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Haithem Rahmani
ST Employee

Hi @priya22 

Currently, We don't have such a specific example. But just to understand, are you planning to have the OTA using an application Protocol like (HTTP, FTP) or using bare TCP/UDP sockets?


Ethernet based IAP examples by the sounds of it, but using other stacks not LwIP.

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