2019-11-08 1:16 PM
Hi, I've got a project under way that uses the STM32F746ZG, FreeRTOS and LwIP. I'm using STM32CubeMX to generate the project and have come across what I believe is a bug in the auto generated ethernet interface thread. After a random amount of time between a few minutes to a few hours after running an assert is hit when the ethernet i/f thread acquires its semaphore. The assert happens when it checks a value in the semaphore's task control block that has been corrupted. I've found posts that are similar to this and the suggestion is that the auto generated code is horribly buggy and others that suggest it's a memory management issue related to using non-reentrant functions. Can anyone suggest a fix for this issue? I'm currently evaluating micrcontrollers for a project and this is not exactly the kind of thing that persuades you to use a part! Someone from ST please let me know how to get around this so I can use your part and not someone else's.
Doug Burrell