2019-01-13 11:12 PM
I am working with a sample project for the stm32F746G. Testing on the Discovery Board. I am using VisualGDB.
The project is USB Device | MSC Host RTOS.
After importing the project and tweaking a few things It did run.
(However, all of these projects need _write() added to them in some way (syscalls.c? ) in order for them to actually printf to the LCD. But that's for another time. )
When I set LFN to 3 in ff_conf.h for long file names, the example will hit a hard fault after printing just a few of the file names on the USB flash drive.
The Call Stack says prvPortStatFirstTask() is the culprit. Though I would have thought the first task would already have occurred . But I am relatively new to ffs and FreeRTOS.
the HFSR has FORCED set.
The CFSR has PRECISEERR and BFARVALID set. (checked)
BFAR is set to 0x5f34305f (no man's land! )
I thought it might have something to do with the stack size of the task but increasing it didn't help and I believe the CFSR register contents rule that out?
I've seen this twice so far when working with examples but I haven't been able to get anywhere with it.
I am afraid I am not savvy enough to track this one any further. So ANY hints would be extremely helpful!
I am happy to provide any more info!
2019-01-19 5:36 PM
The example project I was working on had a 14 byte buffer for the file name from ffs.
When I turned on long filenames, up to 255 characters, (LFN=3) in FFS, it hard faulted
because the file names exceeded the buffer.
What took me so long was that I was following the Call Stack , which ultimately pointed to "svc 0"
assembly instruction which really means that the fault was in the task, not on the task switcher code. I kinda get that part but I am not an ARM assembly coder.