2021-10-22 3:34 AM
Hi! I am trying to generate a sine wave on my CS43L22 audio codec chip and use the included stereo jack on my STM32F469I-DISCO board. I'm using the STM32Cube IDE. There is one .WAV player example that I can't get to build in the IDE that's closely related to what I want to do, but it doesn't use STMCube. The closest project that I found on the internet is something like this, but it's running on a different board and uses I2S instead of SAI:
STM32F4 Discovery board - Keil 5 IDE with CubeMX: Tutorial 28 - I2S Audio Codec - CS43L22 - YouTube
Based on my research, I think the process of getting this running looks something like this:
Any resources, advice, or examples that I can look at? Much appreciated!
2021-11-17 3:32 AM
OK, so I finally got audio to output on the chip. However, I don't know if it's possible to play a different stream on the left and right headphones without using a .WAV file. I say that because the function that you call only allows you to point to one buffer:
uint8_t BSP_AUDIO_OUT_Play(uint16_t* pBuffer, uint32_t Size)
I get the same sound on both sides L and R. Is it possible to assign a separate buffer to L and R so you can play a different sound on the Left and right side of a speaker / headphones?
2024-12-19 8:27 PM
i am newbie to STM and trying to play a wave file on STM32f469i discovery board using SAI on cs43l22 audio codec, i am not getting any example source for SAI can i get the working example code.