2025-02-04 5:45 AM
I am a beginner in using stm32f439zit6 eval board. I can ping the board by setting a static IP through host (my laptop). I don't have any idea about how to write a code to transmit data from host to board. Can anyone guide me to do this?
2025-02-04 7:08 AM
Hello @arun27 ,
There are many ways you would be able to implement and application protocols to send and receive data via ethernet
The simplest one is probably UDP then simple TCP connection than building on that with HTTP FTP ... this differs with the data structure size and other things that would determine you application protocol as a begging to start sent code from you host pc to your board you will be implementing a UDP server which is the easiest way you could do that.
You could find examples STM32CubeF4/Projects/STM324x9I_EVAL/Applications/LwIP/LwIP_UDP_Echo_Server at master · STMicroelectronics/STM32CubeF4 in the following GitHub link.
You could also check the example for a http server implemented in here with nucleo F439 nucleo board :CKB-STM32-HTTP-Example-With-LWIP-Debug/project at main · stm32-hotspot/CKB-STM32-HTTP-Example-With-LWIP-Debug