2017-12-15 5:40 PM
I am working with CS43L22 on STM32F407VG Discovery Board.
I use Audio_playback_and_record example to play .wav file.
If i use headphone, I can get good sound. But If I use speaker I get small sound.
Is that normal?
#audio #cs43l222017-12-18 6:14 AM
,This can be caused by software configuration issue.
Weneed few more details on your software configuration about used speaker output.Best Regards
2017-12-18 7:34 AM
Aren't the speaker outputs of CS43L22 unconnected on the STM32F407VG Discovery Board?
2017-12-18 9:29 PM
Yes. I was consider STM32F407 Discovery schematic and CS43L22 Datasheet. You are right! Thanks you for your confirmation.
2017-12-18 9:37 PM
Now I can play wav file into my micro sd card. But I only can play 16bit wav file. I want to play 8bit wav file. How can I do that?
If you need, I can upload my project ! I expect that you can help me !
2017-12-19 12:04 AM
I am not going to review your project and it's unlikely anybody will, but generally, you read 8-bit samples instead of 16-bit from the file, and then you have to shift them to the left by 8 ( << 8) before using them just like in the 16-bit case.
2017-12-19 1:51 AM
How can I get 'stm32_audio_vocoders_package' ? I read this document
2017-12-19 2:11 AM
,As mentioned in the AN4229:'The vocoder firmware package is provided upon request, for more details please contact your local ST sales representative.'
So, you can contact a local ST sales representative from the list indicated at this
Best Regards,