2017-06-21 6:04 AM
I've purchased the STEVAL-3DP001V1 board from ST, which is powered by a STM32F401VE. There is a jumper called boot which is wired as follow:
So the pin BOOT0 is normally held high when the jumper is not fitted. BOOT1 is PB2 which is tied to ground.
According to the F401 user manual, the uC will boot from system memory when the jumper is not fitted, and from main flash memory when fitted.
My question is: what happens once the uC has boot in system memory ? Will it stay there forever, waiting for stimuli on any of the enabled communication peripherals ?
#steval-3dp001v1 #boot #stm32f4012019-02-13 12:19 AM
Hi Kraal
I know this is an old post
Any joy with getting this board working?
I can connect and navigate through wifi, but none of the buttons work.
I put in an SD card per the specs
I also tried connecting using the st-link vcomm port and get what look like baud rate errors.
The software does not load, per the instruction, int STSW / AC6 - the directories are all over the place as is the case with any eclipse based tools
any help appreciated
thanks in advance
2019-02-13 12:45 AM
Hi Chris,
I did not work much on it. I am using TrueStudio 9 and since I take this project as a learning exercise, I must say that for the moment not much is being done.
Although, like you, I don't like when the source code is spread in different directoriews when not necessary, I am writing my own C code to suit my liking.
I have initialized all the I/Os, the 2 USARTs (one for the ST-Link VCOM at 230400 bps and the other for the WiFi module at 115200 bps). I also set the communication with the motor drivers and currently can read back their status.
I did not tried the original Marlin firmware with motors connected so I can't tell if the buttons were active or not, but I had the impression that there was no communication between the wifi and the F401 (again, not verified).
Sorry that I can't help you much with that. My goal is to make a hot wire foam cutter from scratch, so it takes me time to make any progress...
2019-02-13 1:51 AM
Hi Kraal,
Thanks for the quick answer, I really appreciate it.
Just knowing that someone else is having the SAME problem is an advantage.
The next problem I face is that ither SW4ST (AC6) nor True Studio seem to work with the files on the GIT.
I have had endless problems in the past with anything Eclipse based as the directories do not come across correctly and you end up with both missing includes as well as virtual file link problems (file does not exist) .
I'm going to bring the source into a more standard makefile structure, or create my own TrueStudio project and copy the files I need into it and see where that gets me.
I might also look for the eclipse XML files and edit those as the eclipse editor seems a little broken in that regard
I'll keep you posted
2019-02-13 10:54 PM
Thanks, I'll follow your progress. In the meantime I asked about the wifi module and how to modify the web server. It may be useful for you,you can check it there https://community.st.com/s/question/0D50X00009vLs22SAC/customizing-web-pages-on-the-spwf01sa
Again I did not have the time to actually test it...
Best regards