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Why does the built-in SPI-bootloader in STM32F446 fails to write to flash address 0x0802ADF8, when all the previous addresses were written to just fine?

Senior II

I have an STM32F446 that has its firmware upgraded by another microcontroller through SPI-bus (please see AN4286, "SPI protocol used in the STM32 bootloader"). My application code starts at sector 4 (address 0x08010000) and I am able to successfully program the flash for a good while, until I hit address 0x0802ADF8 (this is roughly 44 kByte into sector 5) when I get a NACK right after sending the Start of Frame command and byte 1 and byte 2 (0x5A, 0x31, 0xCE). The microcontroller performing the upgrade sequence automatically retries once in the event of an error, but when retrying it just gets another NACK in the same place. If I read address 0x0802ADF8 and beyond it's full of 0xFF:s and if I recycle power then I am able to write to 0x0802ADF8 and beyond through some special test code. Does anybody know why the bootloader would behave in this way? What can I do to debug this?


Try writing using different sized blocks to see if the address of failure moves

Skip the immediately prior write.

Instrument the process heavily.

Dissemble and debug ROM code.​

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Senior II

In various places throughout the code a function called SPIreceive was called and this function was calling HAL_SPI_Receive_DMA. This was a problem because the transmitted data (MOSI) is undefined when calling HAL_SPI_Receive_DMA. By instead calling HAL_SPI_TransmitReceive_DMA and ensuring that the transmitted data was all zero the problem went away.