2014-04-09 10:54 AM
I am fighting with USB again.Situation :STM32F205RF in NetDuino2 (schematic is here - http://netduino.com/netduino2/schematic.pdf)Code generated with CubeMX- first page : http://imtp.me/7ga902dr0- clock page : http://imtp.me/7gaa02dr0- config page : http://imtp.me/7gab02dr0.pProject generated into MDK uVision 5 (free, 32kB limited) and started without debugger or with Segger J-Link attached. In project I just changed XTal to 25Mhz.Unfortunately after compile nothing is detected on USB. My own implementations went into partial detection but CubeMX generated code do nothing. Not even ''unknown device'' :(Do I missing something in CubeMX/Code/Project settings ? #vcp #stm32 #usb2014-04-11 6:13 AM
Can you please provide your project STM3CubeMX .ioc file?
- Thank you.2014-04-13 12:41 PM
Here is zip with ioc and also with used project (maybe I have something wrong there)
________________ Attachments : NetDuino2.zip : https://st--c.eu10.content.force.com/sfc/dist/version/download/?oid=00Db0000000YtG6&ids=0680X000006I0h3&d=%2Fa%2F0X0000000beN%2F1VlLwR5LWTDboafNM4p75ma6pbiSqaYSEYtqw.sfZw8&asPdf=false