2014-04-14 2:13 AM
Hi to all!
I need to work with USB mouse on F105 processor. I used latest USB host-device lib - STM32_USB-Host-Device_Lib_V2.1.0, little rework it: 1. Remove STM3210C-EVAL's display, I have my own display, different then STM3210C-EVAL. 2. Make callbacks for mouse events (movements, buttons). 3. Make absolute coordinates in required range. All works, mouse detects, I got all - PID, VID, etc, but periodically (10-15 minutes) host dies. Mouse move, but USB Core function USBH_HID_Handle does not call, so nothing not working. Processor works, RTC clock work correctly. After 10-15 min it agai begin to work, etc. I checked 2 mouse - bug repeated. Anybody know what is this bug and how to correct it? I can upload full source code for IAR or Coocox. Thanks. #usb-mouse-problem-stm32f1052014-04-14 2:21 AM
And one more question:
How I can set USB mouse speed?