2015-04-17 3:13 AM
Dear all,
I'm trying to useSTM32CubeMX
software to have a starting point to realize a device like an USB Sound Card recognized by PC and able to play a music stream (as development board I'm using the STM32F4 Discovery Board). With the tool I mentioned, I have enabled the USB in FS and selected the Audio Class as profile, in this condition I'm expecting to have what I want but the PC recognize the boar as virtual com. Do you know how have a sound device? I have found some application note on the web but not a working demo by ST, it seems strange to me that for a microcontroller like this there are not examples or tutorials to explain how to use properly the usb. I know that there is the USB specification but I'm expecting to have also a simple library that allows to the user to save a lot of time. Thanks in advance. #stm32 #stm32f4 #discovery #usb-audio-class2015-04-30 2:28 AM
Hi Alberto,
Look at ''STM32Cube_FW_F4_V1.5.0\Projects\STM32F4-Discovery\Applications\Audio\Audio_playback_and_record''.-Mayla-To give better visibility on the answered topics, please click on Accept as Solution on the reply which solved your issue or answered your question.
2015-06-11 8:11 AM
Thanks Mayla, I started from this project but the USB component and it's management is the key point I have to manage.
Any working example or tutorial?2015-06-11 8:57 AM
it seems strange to me that for a microcontroller like this there are not examples or tutorials to explain how to use properly the usb.
People have made careers out of understanding how to write Windows device drivers, applications and create USB peripherals. I think ST makes a business out of selling to companies with engineers that have these skill sets, rather than create every possible use case for their parts. It seems strange to me that people can't work with technical documentation directly without a video or a complete worked example.If you step back from Cube, where you press a button and code pops out the bottom, ST has release several USB libraries, with a selection of examples for host and device configurations. The STM32F4-DISCO board represents a small subset of the capabilities, some of the examples will target the EVAL series boards, so will need porting/tailoring to other hardware.ST also has FAE's, you should push in via your distributor to see what resources they can provide.2016-08-02 10:30 AM
What do you suggest? This example seems to be not contained AUDIO class!