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STM32CubeF4 MCU Firmware Package - Questions to Release notes details

Associate II

Hi, where can I post questions on the Firmware Package Release notes? Especially the HAL Drivers component:

Reason: assessment of SOUP components. Thus, scanning the release notes of newer versions for fixed bugs that might have potential issues in the project's current software (HAL drivers V.1.7.9)

STM32 Firmware V1.26.2 - HAL V1.7.13

DMA Update

"Update HAL_DMA_IRQHandler() API to set the DMA state before unlocking access to the DMA handle."

Q: As far as I am aware, some of the higher level drivers (Keil middleware) might probably use DMA. What makes the difference of setting the DMA state compared to the old situation where this was not done?

V1.26.0 - HAL V1.7.11


"Updated HAL TimeBase TIM, RTC alarm and RTC WakeUp templates for more robustness"

Q: In what respect is the robustness improved? What issues might older versions have?


HAL_SPI_Init() API: "Use the bit-mask for SPI configuration."

Q: does not sound like an issue... Just an improvement of the API?

"Updated Transmit/Receive processes in half-duplex mode" / "Disable the SPI instance before setting BDIOE bit"

Q: Background? Any potential implication on older versions?

"Fixed wrong timeout management"

Q: ditto, i.e. what was wrong in older versions?


Similar for the CMSIS component

Release Notes for STM32F4xx CMSIS (

STM Firmware V.1.26.0 - CMSIS V.2.6.6

"Improve GCC startup files robustness."

Q: In what respect more robust?

Thanks, IP