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STM3220G-EVAL + ETH + WinSock

Associate II
Posted on October 02, 2014 at 15:00


I've a problem with my STM3220G-EVAL board. I need to connect Ethernet Port (CN7) with a VB6 PC program that use a Winsock (then send and receive strings). but I don't know how!

I haven't found



1. Is it possible ? If YES... how ?

2. Are there some examples (with source code) ?

Thanks a lot


#stm3220-g-eval #ethernet #tcp/ip #stm3220g-eval #lmgtfy:-stm32-resources #winsock
Posted on October 02, 2014 at 18:22

A lot of protocols send strings back and forth, HTTP, POP, SMTP, etc.

Perhaps you want to look at the Ethernet examples using Lwip, and the Ethernet IAP ones.

You'd need a pretty full featured stack to get connect/listen/send/recv
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Associate II
Posted on October 03, 2014 at 09:15


a. Do you know where I can find some examples (with

source code

) that use Ethernet port (stm3220g-eval)?

b. Can I connect a Winsock (first of all, only connect... without rx-tx strings) to the Ethernet port ? If yes.. how ?

Thanks a lot

Posted on October 03, 2014 at 17:03

a. Do you know where I can find some examples (with

source code

) that use Ethernet port (stm3220g-eval)?

Select Design Resources tab, search Ethernet, LwIP, IAP, etc.

b. Can I connect a Winsock (first of all, only connect... without rx-tx strings) to the Ethernet port ? If yes.. how ?


Winsock is a Windows Socket interface modelled after Berkeley Sockets, it can be used to connect to any device using the TCP/IP protocol. People have written books on this topic, and there are thousands of examples on the internets. Pick something that meets your educational/experience level.

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Andrew Neil
Evangelist III
Posted on October 03, 2014 at 21:16

Winsock is a Windows Socket interface modelled after Berkeley Sockets, it can be used to connect to any device using the TCP/IP protocol. People have written books on this topic, and there are thousands of examples on the internets. 



So the fundamental question is: are you familiar with Winsock programming in general?


If not, then you should probably start there - once you have a working understanding of Winsock, you will be in a far better position to understand how it would interact with non-Windows devices...

Associate II
Posted on October 08, 2014 at 11:55

Thanks to everyone


I found

the example

I was looking for


Thanks again....